This Schedule of Supports is made between a participant and Down Syndrome NSW, for the purpose of providing supports under the participant’s NDIS plan.

Both the Service Agreement and Schedule of Supports must be in place before any services can be provided.

The participant may ask another trusted person to enter into the Service Agreement on their behalf. This is someone close to the participant, such as a family member or friend or someone who manages the funding under a participant’s NDIS plan.

Provider:       Down Syndrome Association of NSW

Commencement: This Schedule of Supports will commence on the date the last party signs.

Term: The term of this Schedule of Supports is 12 months from commencement, or until terminated in accordance with the terms and conditins of this Service Agreement.

Provision of Services and Supports: This Schedule of Supports outlines the services and supports to be accessed bu the Participant, provided by Down Syndrome NSW.

References Herein: The above stated participant will herein after by referred to as "The Service Agreement's Participant" or "Participant".

Services / Supports

Prices for Services and Supports are correct at time of issue, in accordance with the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. Any price changes during the term will be automatically applied, following a 30 day notice period.

Description Support Item Pricing (per participant)
C ommunity Social and Recreational Activities 04_210_0125_6_1 Community Social & Recreational Activities online and/or in person as advertised by Down Syndrome NSW i.e. overnight hotel stays, weekend camp, capacity building workshops and activities etc. 

Weekday activity: $55 per hour
Saturday activity: $65 per hour
Sunday activity: $80 per hour

Travel Club approx: $700/night

Camp approx: $2100


for Carers / Parents

Training for parents / carers as advertised by Down Syndrome NSW online and/ or in person ie - Conferences, employment, education.

$77 per hour

NDIA Managed Participants: (Agency Managed participants only)

Community Social & Recreational Activities as advertised by Down Syndrome NSW i.e. overnight hotel stays, weekend camp, travel club, culture club,  capacity building workshops and activities etc. 

** If you are self-managed or plan-managed you are not required to complete this section.


The parties have thoroughly read and agree to the terms and conditions of this Schedule of Supports. The Participant can sign this, or a representative can sign on their behalf.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
Draw signature|Type signatureClear
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COO Down Syndrome Association of NSW Inc.
COO Down Syndrome NSW